Wednesday, 24 April 2013

PRAYER - "Prayer for a Successor" 

Moses would soon die, so he asked God to provide a new leader for Israel. God selected Joshua. Moses laid hand on him before the priest and congregation. God will answer you, too. 

Numbers 27:15-17 - "And Moses spake unto the LORD, saying, Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, Which may go out before them, and which may go in before them, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them in; that the congregation of the LORD be not as sheep which have no shepherd." 

PRINCIPALS - "Feast of First fruits" 

The first three feasts; Passover (blood of lamb), Unleavened Bread (broken body), and Firstfruits (new life) were springtime celebrations, and represented the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Israel brought sheaves from their firstfruits with meat and drink offerings on the first day after the Sabbath following Passover. Jesus rose from the dead on that same day - firstfruit from the dead. 

Leviticus 23:10 - "When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest." 

PRINCIPLES - "Homosexuality" 

God did not stutter or mince words when He ordered men NOT to lay with other men as they do with women. He said it is an abomination worthy of death. How much plainer could it be? 

Leviticus 18:22,30 - "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. ...defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God." Leviticus 20:13 - "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." 

PROPHECIES - "Sabbath of Rest for the Land" 

The Sabbath also applied to the land. Every seventh year the land should rest - no crops planted. God promised to bless the sixth year enough to sustain the people throughout an off year. Prophetically, after six millennia, God will soon declare a millennium of rest for the earth while Jesus reigns. 

Leviticus 25:1-2 - "And the LORD spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the LORD."

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