Saturday, 11 May 2013

PRAYER - "Ruth"
One of the most heartwarming stories ever - suffering widowhood and poverty in a godless land, Ruth's heart bound to Naomi, her God-fearing mother-in-law. Word of her loyalty, godly devotion and commitment reached Boaz, who became her redeemer-husband. Greater than any Cinderella story! Ruth became Great-Grandmother to Christ!

Ruth 1:16 - "And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God."

PRINCIPALS - "Micah the Ephraimite"

This story is weird. A woman cursed the thief who took her 1100 pieces of silver. Her son, Micah, confessed to taking them, then returned them. As thanks, she dedicated the silver to make a graven image and molten image. Micah set up a house of gods, and hired a vagabond Levite to be his private priest. But shortly thereafter, travelers stole away both the priest and Micah's idols. Do not waste yourself on unbiblical religion. It is worthless at best, abominable and cursed at worst.

Judges 17:12 - "...Micah consecrated the Levite, and the young man became his priest."

PRINCIPLES - "Complicated Consequences

You can open the Bible almost anywhere and soon find complicated consequences of someone's foolish behavior. Modern culture promotes a delusion that everyone should be free to do whatever is right in his or her own eyes, but history proves that to be the prescription for social chaos, anarchy and disintegration. The woman in Judges 19 who left her spouse to commit whoredoms precipitated a chain of events that drew 400,000 men into war. Over 65,000 people died before the dust settled.

Judges 19:2 - "And his concubine played the whore against him, and went away from him..."

PROPHECIES - "Ruth and Her "Hap"

Ruth made an epic consecration to be faithful to Naomi and her God, for which she was profoundly blessed. There is no "happen-stance" with God - no accidents! When Ruth went to the fields of Boaz to glean, it was "her hap" to be there. God was scrupulously leading her to Boaz, and into the bloodline of the Savior of the world.

Ruth 2:3 - "And she went, and came, and gleaned in the field after the reapers: and her hap was to light on a part of the field belonging unto Boaz, who was of the kindred of Elimelech."

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